Documented sports handicapping with every game monitored and documented with detailed rankings.

Mason Porter

Current Followers: 0

Mason Porter has been analyzing, handicapping and betting football professionally since 2009.  Mason initially tried his hand at handicapping all major sports including MLB and NBA but quickly realized his focus needed to be solely on football since his passion was with the pigskin.  Mason was one of our first enrollees in our Documented Handicappers farm league and waited for his opportunity while gaining experience through our mentoring program.  Mason fully expects to profit at the end of each NFL and NCAAF season.

2215 Wins - 1677 Losses (+109085 Units, 2182% Appreciation)

Time Frame Wins Loss Push Percent Units
Yesterday 0 0 0 0.00% 0
Last 7 Days 1 0 0 100.00% 300
Last 30 Days 6 1 0 85.71% 1360
Last 60 Days 39 20 0 66.10% 6350
Last 90 Days 64 44 0 59.26% 6170
Last 180 Days 159 108 3 59.55% 15396
Last 365 Days 159 108 3 59.55% 15396
Overall 2215 1677 75 56.91% 109085

* For detailed records click on the timeframe to view the individual picks made.